New Collection

Who are we?

We are a clothing brand born and based in Rijeka. The centre of our designs is found in single line art.
Said technique was the main inspiration for our brand’s name- Linija, which means „line“ in Croatian.

The root of everything that we do is found in all forms of visual art. The main artists that we look up
to are, for example, Keith Haring, Jean Michel Basquiat, Nicolas Gumo, Saul Steinberg, Pablo
Picasso, David Shringley, Kot Bonkers, Coco Capitan etc.


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Who wears us?

Our first customer was a 51 year old gentleman from Rijeka, who
showed us that street fashion knows no age. On the other hand, our desings are worn by some very
talented and young athletes that do freestyle sports such as wakeboarding, snowboarding or

Placing on the market: Peansa d.o.o

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